Image 1 of 1: ‘Comic: a PhD student sends "FINAL.doc" to their supervisor, but after several increasingly intense and frustrating rounds of comments and revisions they end up with a file named "FINAL_rev.22.comments49.corrections.10.#@$%WHYDIDCOMETOGRADSCHOOL????.doc"’
Image 1 of 1: ‘A diagram demonstrating how a single document grows as the result of sequential changes’
Figure 3
Image 1 of 1: ‘A diagram with one source document that has been modified in two different ways to produce two different versions of the document’
Figure 4
Image 1 of 1: ‘A diagram that shows the merging of two different document versions into one document that contains all of the changes from both versions’
Image 1 of 1: ‘A diagram showing how "git add" registers changes in the staging area, while "git commit" moves changes from the staging area to the repository’
Figure 2
Image 1 of 1: ‘A diagram showing two documents being separately staged using git add, before being combined into one commit using git commit’
Image 1 of 1: ‘A diagram showing how git restore can be used to restore the previous version of two files’
Figure 2
Image 1 of 1: ‘A diagram showing the entire git workflow: local changes are staged using git add, applied to the local repository using git commit, and can be restored from the repository using git checkout’
Image 1 of 1: ‘The first step in creating a repository on GitHub: clicking the "create new" button’
Figure 2
Image 1 of 1: ‘The second step in creating a repository on GitHub: filling out the new repository form to provide the repository name, and specify that neither a readme nor a license should be created’
Figure 3
Image 1 of 1: ‘The summary page displayed by GitHub after a new repository has been created. It contains instructions for configuring the new GitHub repository as a git remote’
Figure 4
Image 1 of 1: ‘A diagram showing how "git add" registers changes in the staging area, while "git commit" moves changes from the staging area to the repository’
Figure 5
Image 1 of 1: ‘A diagram illustrating how the GitHub "recipes" repository is also a git repository like our local repository, but that it is currently empty’
Figure 6
Image 1 of 1: ‘A screenshot showing that clicking on "SSH" will make GitHub provide the SSH URL for a repository instead of the HTTPS URL’
Figure 7
Image 1 of 1: ‘Clicking the "Copy to Clipboard" button on GitHub to obtain the repository's URL’
Figure 8
Image 1 of 1: ‘A diagram showing how "git push origin" will push changes from the local repository to the remote, making the remote repository an exact copy of the local repository.’